Following its 1993 release, Jurassic Park has since spawned three (soon to be five) sequels, the most recent being Collin Trevorrow...
For millions of years, dinosaurs ruled the earth, striding the planet like the colossi they were.
Ideas that became extinct.
Other animal sounds used for the raptors included a horse’s breathing and the hiss of an angry goose.
The volcano in “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” has been confirmed, thanks to pictures of the official tie-in merchandise of the film.
This particular Jurassic Park fan theory started, as far as anyone can trace it back, on Reddit
The franchise fans can look forward to some aquatic adventure in the upcoming Jurassic Park sequel.
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom trailer will arrive just in time for Thanksgiving this year.
In 2015’s Jurassic Park sequel Jurassic...
Imagine a world where an asteroid hadn’t wiped out the dinosaurs. What would have happened afterwards – and how might their presence have affected mammals like us?