
Fri, 2018-06-01

While the event of their disappearance is so often the dramatic coda of books and documentaries, it might be surprising to know that the extinction of the dinosaurs is usually one of the least interesting questions out there to many paleontologists....

Fri, 2018-06-01

The new findings reveal “how resilient life can be,” says Gareth Collins, a planetary scientist at Imperial College London who was not involved in the research. “Such a rapid recovery … is remarkable.”

Fri, 2018-06-01

A tiny fossil of an early juvenile Spinosaurus has been discovered by a duo of Italian paleontologists.


Thu, 2018-05-31

The Field Museum in Chicago received the largest dinosaur ever discovered and debuting him on June 1st.

Thu, 2018-05-31

Art and science can seem like they are worlds apart, but in the work of palaeontologist Julian Hume, they are constantly colliding.

Wed, 2018-05-30

An international research team led by scientists at University College Cork, Linyi University, and China’s Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology has found and analyzed dandruff fragments preserved amongst the plumage of C...

Wed, 2018-05-30

The Jurassic Park series taught us – five times and counting – that resurrecting the prehistoric master species is somewhat ill-...

Wed, 2018-05-30

A research team with a Chicago connection has uncovered new evidence about the devastating impact of the dinosaur-...

Tue, 2018-05-29

It was cool to see Jurassic Park’s biggest monster taken out by a larger dino in the third installment. But ...

Wed, 2018-05-30

THEY dominated the planet for around 150 million years but not before supervolcanoes scarred the planet leaving a Game of Thrones-style battle.
