Exploring Prehistoric Life

Sat, 2019-05-18

Bedbugs are blood-sucking parasites in the family Cimicidae. A multinational research team led by University of Sheffield, the University Museum Bergen and Dresden University has compared the DNA of dozens...

Fri, 2019-05-17

Nearly 300 million years ago, in a sandy desert now preserved as Coconino Sandstone at Grand Canyon National Park, some creatures walked across an area left moist very likely by an oasis. Those tracks, revealed today in a remote area of the national park, likely...

Wed, 2019-05-15

An international team of paleontologists has found a piece of amber containing the beautifully preserved ammonite, several marine and land organisms that lived 99 million years ago (...

Thu, 2019-05-09

Statistical analysis of fossil data shows that it is unlikely that Australopithecus sediba, a nearly two-million-year-old, apelike fossil from South Africa, is the direct ancestor of Homo, the genus to which modern-day...

Tue, 2019-05-07

Extreme fluctuations in atmospheric oxygen levels corresponded with evolutionary surges and extinctions in animal biodiversity during the...

Wed, 2019-05-08

Osborne found the Ediscetus osbornei whale was a type of whale that wasn't too large, yet the skull told a story about it's feeding behavior.

Thu, 2019-05-02

The 2019 started with a relatively high number of paleontological discoveries published in highly ranked journals showing that paleontology is sexy indeed! Here you can find a small selection of the most recent ones.

Fri, 2019-05-03

The remains of long-extinct predators dating back to the last Ice Age have been unearthed by underwater cave explorers in Mexico.

Fri, 2019-05-03

Fossils of the first winged mammals dating back 160 million years to the age of the dinosaurs have been discovered.
