In China at a Copper Mine Discovered Dinosaur Footprints

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Large areas of rocks with dinosaur footprints discovered in open cut mining of copper ore in China, the newspaper “Zhongguo QINGNIAN Bao”.

The traces were found during blasting in the mine “of Canbelego” in Sichuan province. The company’s administration reported the discovery to local authorities. When inspection of the site revealed three sites of the breed, showing many traces of one, two, three and four fingers.

Work on the site, it was decided to stop. The experts found that the traces belong to carnivorous dinosaurs. According to the discoverer of the footprints of the former head of the local branch of the Fund of cultural heritage EBI Stefano, it is assumed that carnivorous dinosaurs could swim. According to paleontologists, on the territory of the County, Jossue about 100 million years ago was a large lake on which coast and walking reptiles. The prints of their feet were filled with lake sediments, which later hardened. This allowed the trail to be well preserved.

It is noted that the previously seen dinosaur footprints in the mine, but they were destroyed when mining.
