Q & A
Ancient bones and teeth gleam under bright lights in the Melbourne Museum, surrounded by throngs of excited children — and more than one captivated adult.
There is something really primordial about the way wild turkeys run. Each spring, a lot of turkeys seem to be running away from me as I move through the woods in search of a gobbler. It’s almost worth it to watch them run away, though, because it looks...
Many of us, at some point or another, dreamed of hunting for dinosaur fossils when we grew up. Paleontology—the study of natural history through fossils—is the scientific reality of this. It encompasses all ancient lifeforms that left their trace in the earth,...
Dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago, but we're still learning their secrets. Here are 10 mind-blowing dino discoveries, including newly described species, an analysis of soft-shelled dinosaur eggs and takedowns of speculative species....
The global extinction event that meant curtains for the dinosaurs was unlikely to have been triggered by an Earth-impacting comet fragment, several planetary scientists now argue.
Medium-size meat-eating dinosaurs are missing from the fossil record, and paleontologists think they've figured out why.
Practical jokes/gags have varying levels of humor, but some people mistake "hate" for "edge." There's a big difference between saying something because you're struggling with a personal topic or issue and are trying to make a great point/punchline out of that...
In the age of the dinosaurs, you could have walked from one pole to another. At that time, the continents were all joined together, forming the supercontinent Pangea.
Even Tyrannosaurus rexes needed to nap sometimes. A still-growing fossil record is showing how dinosaurs used to doze.
Evolution is the process of life adapting to its environment. And if you’re already perfect, why change? Here’s a list of four animals who got it...