Basically this is a list of the 10 most extraordinary predatory creatures of our Earth's distant past...
Carcharodontosaurids were a group of carnivorous theropod dinosaurs. In 1931 Ernst Stromer named Carcharodontosauridae as a family, in modern paleontology this name indicates a clade within Carnosauria.
Pterosaurs were flying reptiles of the extinct clade or order Pterosauria. They existed from the late Triassic...
China’s overstuffed with awesome dinosaurs, and today we’re taking a look at one of their most famous.
Ceratosaurus popped up in Jurassic Park III at one point – but what do we know about the dinosaur?
Ceratopians are also known as ceratopsians, and it means ‘horned eye’. They are very interesting dinosaurs and a lot different than the sauropods and theropods.
The Protoceratops skeleton was first discovered by Roy Chapman Andrews. Andrews was a renowned paleontologist of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, United States.
Was there any real proof that dinosaurs really did exist? To begin with, the fossils are the only source, clue and remains of the prehistoric animals and plants that lived millions of years ago.
Bony skull ornaments appeared in most rapidly growing species, new research suggests.
Everyone is once again asking, “Can we clone dinosaurs?” The answer is easy: No. But there’s more to the story than just cloning.