Perhaps more than any other dinosaur, Iguanodon reveals how dramatically our perception of these amazing creatures has evolved—while reminding...
During the Jurassic Park-crazed early ‘90s, Utahraptor became a media darling. Now, more than 20 years later, some great new finds just might push this predator back into the limelight.
But how much of what we were taught about them is actually true? You might be shocked to know that a majority of what we learned about dinosaurs in our youth was actually not true at all.
At 40 feet long and 15 to 20 feet high, his “small” arms were pretty much bigger than your whole body.
It’s no surprise that one of the most popular dinosaurs in the world is the Velociraptor. Their rise in popularity was heavily influenced by...
When paleontologist Mary Schweitzer found soft tissue in a Tyrannosaurus rex...
While many paleontologists work in museums and college research labs, some help recover fossils in the coal and oil industries. Paleontologists earn salaries averaging over $100,000 annually.
One of the things that makes dinosaurs so appealing is their sheer size: plant eaters like Diplodocus and...
Because dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, one might assume that they are cold blooded, but some scientists suggest that dinosaurs may have been somewhere between cold and warm blooded.
The period, which spans from about 252 million years ago to about 66 million years ago, was also known as the age of reptiles or the age of dinosaurs.